Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser
writing on relationships between Technology, Society and Nature
Technological developments are accelerating the evolution of humankind at an unprecedented rate. Humanity has difficulty coming to terms with its rapidly increasing destructive and creative power. We are on the verge of ruining the possibilities for a good life on this planet by clinging to old patterns. How can we manage in time to develop adequate humility, insight and readiness to adapt?
Since hundred years, the ability to analyse and understand the world at the level of atoms and molecules has dramatically increased technological capabilities, human impact on nature and human dependency on new technologies. One result of the new sciences is the ability to build electronic devices opening up new dimensions of information processing, communication, and interaction with the material world. We are just beginning to understand the challenge of responsibly managing this evolutionary leap. We could fail quickly, if we do not succeed in slowing down man-made climate change in a global cooperative effort, radically changing established patterns in a very short period of time.
After studying physics, I worked for five decades as a journalist, consultant, researcher, diplomat and entrepreneur in various European countries. My primary expertise is in energy, transport, climate and innovation policy, sustainable development and technology assessment. However, I think it is essential to understand these from a historical, societal and evolutionary perspective.
This publication is not intended for specialists but for a wider audience. I will explore different dimensions of these challenges, report on existing and emerging solutions, highlight lesser-known aspects, and insist on the need to consider quantitative relationships and historical background. Texts will appear irregularly, long and short, theoretical and concrete. This publication in English has a German sibling. They are not identical.
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